Revolutionise your quality control with AI.SEE™

With AI.SEE™, we offer an AI-based solution designed to overcome the challenges and problems of manual microscopic image analysis in quality control. Our deep learning technology integrates easily and quickly into existing microscope systems and takes the precision and speed of your quality control to a new level.

Automated accuracy

By using advanced deep learning algorithms, AI.SEE™ eliminates the subjectivity of human analyses and provides consistent, accurate results that drastically reduce the error rate.

Time saving and efficiency

The fast and automated analysis of microscope images with AI.SEE™ saves valuable time throughout the process and enables more efficient use of resources.

User friendly

Easy integration into existing microscope systems and an intuitive interface make AI.SEE™ straightforward to use for all laboratory staff - without any AI knowledge.


With AI.SEE™ you can easily keep pace with the growing volume of microscopic analyses without the need for additional human resources.

Reduced fatigue

Automating image analysis with AI.SEE™ eliminates tedious and monotonous tasks and leaves enough time for value-adding tasks.

Data-based decisions

AI.SEE™ not only provides automated analysis, but also valuable insights and data points that can be used for further research and improvements.

AI upgrade for microscopes: Use cases in laboratory technology

AI quality control comes into its own wherever complex patterns or repetitive features need to be recognised. Whether in the production of medical technology components or the analysis of microscopic images and cell cultures, users benefit from the automated image analysis of maximum reliability, speed and accuracy.

Structure and morphology

Examination of abnormalities in cell morphology that may indicate disease or pathological conditions

Examination of cell or tissue structure, including the size, shape and arrangement of cells or tissue components

Farbe und Intensität

Prüfung von Färbungen, die auf spezifische chemische Zusammensetzungen oder biologische Marker hinweisen

Kontrolle der Intensität und Verteilung von Fluoreszenz bei fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Untersuchungen

Pattern and texture

Testing for recurring patterns or textures that indicate certain biological processes or material structures

Identification of irregularities in patterns that may indicate pathological changes or material defects


Counts and measurements

Counting of cells, bacterial colonies or other microscopic structures

Measurement of sizes, distances and areas of microscopic structures

Dynamische Veränderungen

Veränderungen in der Lebensfähigkeit oder Aktivität von Zellen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen

Beobachtung von Veränderungen über die Zeit, wie Zellwachstum, Bewegung oder Reaktionen auf Behandlungen

Erkennung spezifischer Merkmale

Specific features

Identification of specific cell types, microorganisms or tissue types

Detection of inclusions, crystals, cracks or other specific features in material samples

Frequently asked questions

  • What is AI.SEE™?

    AI.SEE™ is an AI-based software solution that is suitable for automated image analysis and quality control in laboratories. It uses advanced deep learning to precisely analyse microscope images.

  • How is AI.SEE™ integrated into existing laboratory systems?

    AI.SEE™ can be seamlessly linked to existing microscope systems via retrofit integration. Digital microscopes are integrated without additional hardware, while analogue microscopes require a camera adapter for image acquisition. The microscope serves as an imaging system that sends images to the AI.SEE™ software for automated AI analysis. The images and results can be viewed via a connected tablet or computer. The integration does not require extensive retrofitting or high investment and is designed to be user-friendly.

  • What advantages does AI.SEE™ offer?

    AI.SEE™ uses AI-based processes to increase the accuracy and efficiency of image analysis, reduce human error and significantly speed up the analysis process. Unlike conventional industrial image processing, AI.SEE™ is able to recognise even the most complex features despite noisy backgrounds or low contrast. Not only is it easy to process large volumes of data at high speed, but the solution also learns with every image analysed.

  • What are the requirements for AI integration?

    The only requirement is the ability to take images of the desired slides and features that can be used to train the AI model.

  • What is AI training?

    In AI training, an artificial intelligence (AI) is trained using large amounts of data - in this case image data - to recognise and interpret specific patterns and features. To analyse images effectively, the AI must be trained with a large number of images representing different scenarios and conditions. This enables the AI to achieve accuracy and reliability in automated analysis and efficiently perform complex tasks such as quality control in the laboratory.

Successful AI retrofit projects with AI.SEE™

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